string(19) "ViewArticleOrg.html" DataObjects / sending an email to a user : - open source

based on the code in the manual = this code is normally added to the object with the email address.

* sends a rendered template to a person
* @arg string $templateFile name of template file, eg. 'notice.txt'
* @arg array|object $args overlayed data for template.

$content  = clone($this);
$args as $k=>$v) {
$content->$k = $v;
/* use the regex compiler, as it doesnt parse <tags */
require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy.php';
$template = new HTML_Template_Flexy( array(
'compiler'    => 'Regex',
'filters' => array('SimpleTags','Mail'),
//     'debug'=>1,
/* compile a text file (email template) */
/* use variables from this object to ouput data. */
$mailtext = $template->bufferedOutputObject($content);
//echo "<PRE>";print_R($mailtext);
        /* With the output try and send an email, using a few tricks in Mail_MimeDecode. */
require_once 'Mail/mimeDecode.php';
$decoder = new Mail_mimeDecode($mailtext);
$parts = $decoder->getSendArray();
        if (
PEAR::isError($parts)) {
//echo "PROBLEM: {$parts->message}";
$recipents,$headers,$body) = $parts;
$mailOptions = PEAR::getStaticProperty('Mail','options');
$mail = Mail::factory("SMTP",$mailOptions);
$headers['Date'] = date('r');
PEAR::isError($mail) ? $mail : $mail->send($recipents,$headers,$body);

A sample template

From: "Demo User" <>
"Demo User" <>
To: { t.Email }
Subject: { t.someobject.Name } has submitted something for you approval
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Please Go to this URL to review and approve the details

{ t.baseURL }/review.html

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